Keeping our young people and volunteers safe and protecting them from harm is of paramount importance to the Co-op Juniors.
“The Co-op Juniors is intolerant of any risks to our children and young people or to the safety and well-being of our volunteers”
Co-op Juniors Risk Statement
We have a dedicated Safeguarding Team, led by our designated safeguarding lead, Emily Holt, who should be contacted regarding any safeguarding concerns. Please speak to Emily in person or email safeguarding AT For more information about safeguarding at Co-op Juniors, please see below.
Contact Details
- If a child is in immediate danger call the police 999
- The Co-op Juniors’ Designated Safeguarding Lead is Emily Holt, who can be contacted at or on 01473 xxx option 1
- Jeannie Ingram and Mary-Kate Ingram are our deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
- Call the NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000 or email them if you want anonymous advice and can’t talk to the DSL
Reporting a safeguarding concern
it is important
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Mental health and wellbeing
We recognise the range of mental health difficulties some young people experience and are mindful that we must act in the best interests of all cast members and students.
Performing Arts and Mental Health
Dancing, singing and acting can provide a range of skills that studies have shown contribute to the improvement of young people’s mental health: singing provides breathing skills which can aid those managing anxiety and panic episodes, being physically active such as through dance is wider considered beneficial to young people’s mental wellbeing, the endorphins provided.
through performance can… and working together…
Resources to support performers
How we manage…
Therefore, if at any point during a rehearsal, class or show, we feel that a young person is unable to continue, the director or tutor will ask them to take a break, and they will be expected to respect that decision.They will be offered support and may return once the director or tutor, in consultation with others, decides that they can safely continue with no negative impact to their own, or others’, health and wellbeing.
Online Safety
The Co-op Juniors believe that the online world provides children and young people with many opportunities as well as presenting risks and challenges. We aim to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is paramount when adults, young people or children are using the internet, social media or mobile devices. We believe that young people should never experience abuse of any kind and that safeguards are needed to ensure they are kept safe online at all times.
Our behaviour agreement states
Details of access
Photos and Recording
Showcasing the work of the Co-op Juniors Theatre Company & Academy is an important part of celebrating the successes and achievements of our cast and students. It also increases engagement with current and potential members as well as supporters and donors. Nevertheless, the Co-op Juniors recognises the risks inherent in photography and video of our activities.
We ask all parents of our students and cast to provide consent to the capture and sharing of images and video when they join, and you are able to update this online at any time here LINK ***.
Taking your own photos or recordings
Sharing photos and videos is part of young people’s experience and celebration of their involvement with the Co-op Juniors. As part of their Behaviour Agreement, our young people have agreed:
- We don’t record or photograph anyone without their consent and we don’t share or post photos/videos on social media without asking permission of the director or tutor first.
Theatre Company volunteers, including parents, also agree to this statement. However, we believe such photos/videos should be limited to appropriate times, eg. in rehearsal breaks or for information for costume making. Parents/guardians are not permitted to take photos or videos during classes or rehearsals.
For our full Photo and Video policy, click here
For our guidelines for tutors, creatives and volunteers on photos and videos, click here
Mobile Phones
During rehearsals or classes, we switch our phones to silent and only use them as per the guidance of the director or tutor. Junior cast members and younger students are asked not to use phones during rehearsals, classes or breaks.
Policies & Procedures
To guide our approach across the whole organisation, we have developed a number of policies that all our volunteers, creatives, tutors and freelancers follow. These are supported by our trustees, who monitor their implementation at regular meetings and review annually.
These policies include:
- Our Children and Vulnerable Adult Protection policy and procedures
- Our Health and Safety policy
- Key aspects of our Behaviour Agreement
- Our Online Safety policy
- Our Photos and Videos policy and guidelines
- The embedding of Safer Recruitment training and practices across the organisation